In African traditional customs, it is highly valued for a man to take full responsibility for his wedding expenses.
Relying on friends, relatives, or a company to sponsor your wedding is not a practice to be celebrated, regardless of the circumstances.
Marriage holds immense significance within our culture, and the wedding ceremony, which symbolizes the transition into this sacred institution,
should not be taken lightly by an African traditional man.
I understand the financial challenges and the longing to have the things you desire. However, irrespective of the situation,
it is fundamentally inappropriate to give someone else the power to sponsor such a momentous occasion as your wedding.
Frequently, we witness men who burden their friends and family, seeking assistance to marry their dream woman.
But why do you desire marriage if you cannot afford to host a wedding? Why not embrace the simplicity of a traditional African wedding,
tailored to your means and resources?
Preserve African Tradition: Take Charge of Your Wedding
In the context of African traditional customs, it is crucial to recognize that marriage is a sacred institution.
Whoever you allow to invest in this institution becomes a shareholder, eagerly awaiting returns on their investment.
It is essential to understand that as shareholders in your union, they possess the right to influence decisions,
even those that may contradict your own beliefs and those of your partner. Despite external pressures,
it is vital to uphold African traditions and maintain control over your wedding arrangements. By taking charge,
you safeguard the integrity of your union and ensure that decisions align with your values and aspirations.
Uphold African Traditions: Build a Solid Foundation
Even within the pages of the holy book, it is inscribed that when the foundation of something is destroyed,
even the righteous are powerless to rectify it. This timeless wisdom holds true for marriage as well.
It is crucial to exert every effort within your capacity to establish a strong and sturdy foundation. Do not compromise on your principles,
and do not allow yourself to be swayed by external pressures. Failing to do so will have lasting repercussions,
extending beyond the wedding day and into your marriage, leading to sincere regret.
Remember, your wedding day is a celebration of you and your partner, not an opportunity to impress others.
Stay true to yourselves and your values, and do not burden yourselves by attempting to exceed your means to meet others' expectations.
Embrace the essence of an African traditional wedding, where authenticity and genuine connections take precedence over superficial displays.